Theme Settings

Theme settings in our theme:

Theme settings refer to a set of customizable options within a website or application that allow users to modify the appearance, functionality, and layout of a theme. These settings may include options for colors, fonts, backgrounds, layouts, and other design elements that can be adjusted to match the user’s preferences or brand aesthetic. Theme settings are often found in content management systems (CMS) or website builders that offer pre-built templates and themes for their users to choose from.

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All Settings Overview

General Logo: set the default logo for non-transparent header Favicon: set the icon for the browser tab and mobile devices (home screen, bookmarks, etc. Currency: set the Currency for price of Food Coupon Code: set discount code for checkout. Banner: set banner for Archive page default. Partner Page Search Restaurant: set the page search restaurant result Posts per page: set number items in per page result Promotion Slides: set item Promotion show in page result Need approve new listing: set enable on/off publish new item of partner Partner User dashboard page: set the page dashboard result Commission: set commission for admin from each order Minimum money withdraw: set minimum money withdraw PAGE Setting redirect page: set checkout page, after do checkout page , after login page , after logout page, login page, register page, 404 page Footer Background footer: set background in footer Link Social: set url for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Vimeo, Youtube Copyright: set copyright Upload logo Payment Footer: set trust badge Styling Options Theme Main Color: Setting the color theme to system will automatically change it to your system setting. Body Font: Specify the body font properties: Font family, font size, font weight, … Advanced Options Taxes: set tax for food when checkout. Price includes tax: set On / Off include tax when checkout. Price includes tax: set On / Off include tax when checkout. Mailchimp API key: set Mailchimp API key. Mailchimp List ID (Audience ID): set Mailchimp List ID (Audience ID). Map: set API key mapbox and set icon map. Google Captcha: set siteKey Captcha. Social: set key Facebook, Google for login Social. Email: set email admin address, upload logo email, set content footer email


A member package function refers to a function defined within a package that can only be accessed by the package or its users. It is a way to encapsulate a specific set of functionalities within a package and restrict access to it, thus promoting modularity and code reusability. Member package functions can be called using the package name followed by the function name, and they can access other functions and variables within the same package. With our theme, this function is created in Gonow > Membership Each package has a different price and upload limit, which can be adjusted on Membership. Enter the Name and Price of the package.Enter the Time Available for the package. Enter commission for the package. Enter a description for the package. Buy packages for partner account: Go to page Dashboard > Account > Click Buy Package button Then, go to the Checkout package page. Here, you can check out by Submit form, Paypal, or Stripe, … After checkout success, this is need approve by the admin. In admin, Go to Theme Settings > Order Package After that, The partner can settings up their information restaurant. And, upload foods.