All Settings Overview
General Logo: set the default logo for non-transparent header Favicon: set the icon for the browser tab and mobile devices (home screen, bookmarks, etc. Currency: set the Currency for price of Food Coupon Code: set discount code for checkout. Banner: set banner for Archive page default. Partner Page Search Restaurant: set the page search restaurant result Posts per page: set number items in per page result Promotion Slides: set item Promotion show in page result Need approve new listing: set enable on/off publish new item of partner Partner User dashboard page: set the page dashboard result Commission: set commission for admin from each order Minimum money withdraw: set minimum money withdraw PAGE Setting redirect page: set checkout page, after do checkout page , after login page , after logout page, login page, register page, 404 page Footer Background footer: set background in footer Link Social: set url for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Vimeo, Youtube Copyright: set copyright Upload logo Payment Footer: set trust badge Styling Options Theme Main Color: Setting the color theme to system will automatically change it to your system setting. Body Font: Specify the body font properties: Font family, font size, font weight, … Advanced Options Taxes: set tax for food when checkout. Price includes tax: set On / Off include tax when checkout. Price includes tax: set On / Off include tax when checkout. Mailchimp API key: set Mailchimp API key. Mailchimp List ID (Audience ID): set Mailchimp List ID (Audience ID). Map: set API key mapbox and set icon map. Google Captcha: set siteKey Captcha. Social: set key Facebook, Google for login Social. Email: set email admin address, upload logo email, set content footer email