Create A Restaurant

In your WordPress admin, go to Restaurant - Add New Restaurant :

Important: Function Restaurant: 1 account for 1 restaurant only

Create A Restaurant create restaurant

Featured Image

Featured images on restaurant will only show up as thumbnail on List Restaurant


You can either use Gutenberg (default) editor or Elementor Page Builder (Edit with Elementor).

Restaurant Information

You need setup information for your restaurant: 

Logo : Setup logo of the Restaurant

Banner : Banner header in Detail Restaurant Page

Gallery: List of photos to introduce restaurant space, dishes, customers, …

Cost: Type cost. Example: $,$$,$$$…

Delivery Fee: Delivery fee within a certain radius

Delivery time: The length of time the customer can receive the order.

Distance delivery(km): The radius where the restaurant can take delivery

Phone: Number phone of Restaurant

Website: URL website  of Restaurant

Address: Address detail of Restaurant

Address on map: Lat/ Long in map

Iframe Map: If Without google map API or mapbox map API, then using iframe

Opening/Closing Times

Set the restaurant’s opening and closing times for the week

Create A Restaurant Screenshot 1

This is result in frontend

Create A Restaurant Screenshot 2